
How calculating when to sleep changed my life


I used to be a heavy sleeper who struggled to wake up in the morning. I would sleep through my alarm or snooze it several times and feel groggy and tired throughout the day. I thought that was just how I was wired, and that nothing could change it.

Sleep Cycles

But then I learned about sleep cycles and how they affect our quality of sleep and energy levels. A sleep cycle is a period of about 90 minutes during which we go through different stages of sleep, from light to deep to REM (rapid eye movement). Each stage has its own benefits for our brain and body, but the most important one is REM sleep, where we dream and consolidate our memories.

The problem with heavy sleepers like me is that we often wake up in the middle of a sleep cycle, especially if we use an alarm clock. This disrupts our natural rhythm and makes us feel more sleepy and less alert. The solution is to calculate when to go to bed and when to wake up based on our sleep cycles, so that we can align our sleep schedule with our circadian clock.

Sleep Calculation

To calculate when to go to bed and when to wake up based on our sleep cycles, I used a simple formula: multiply 90 minutes by the number of sleep cycles you want to complete (usually 4 to 6), and then add 15 minutes for the time it takes to fall asleep. For example, if I want to wake up at 5:30 am and complete 4 sleep cycles, I should go to bed at 11:15 pm.

    05:30 am -----> wakeup time
  - 06:00    -----> 4 x 90 mins cycles
  - 00:15    -----> time to fall asleep
  = 11:15 pm

You can also use any online sleep calculator to calculate this.


By following this formula, I noticed a huge difference in myself from day 1. Here are some of the benefits I have experienced:

  • I feel more refreshed and energized in the morning. I no longer sleep through my alarm or have to snooze my alarm and drag myself out of bed. I wake up naturally and ready to face the day.
  • I have improved my mood and mental health. I feel less stressed, anxious, and depressed. I have more positive thoughts and emotions throughout the day.
  • I have boosted my productivity and creativity. I can focus better on my tasks and projects. I have more ideas and insights that help me solve problems and achieve my goals.
  • I have enhanced my physical health. I have less headaches, backaches, and digestive issues. I have more stamina and endurance for long work days.


Calculating when to sleep changed my life for the better. It helped me overcome my heavy sleeping habit and improve my well-being. If you are a heavy sleeper who wants to optimize your sleep quality and productivity, I highly recommend you try this method too. You might be surprised by how much it can improve your life.

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